Inside Pikcha

Inside Pikcha

A glimpse inside the four walls of Pikcha

Inside Pikcha

A glimpse inside the four walls of Pikcha

Dev Talk

Observations and explorations written by the Pikcha tech team

Coming Soon

Watch This Space!

Watermarking Your Images

When selling your artwork online, it’s important to protect your images from image theft and copyright infringement. Here, we’ll look at the best ways to protect your images that also help to advertise your business.

Optimise Your Image for Search

When uploading your work to Pikcha, it’s important to make sure your image will appear in our search. Follow along to optimise your next post.

What Is Metadata?

Metadata can impact how highly your image ranks in our search engine. Give yourself the best chance of being found by buyers on Pikcha by enhancing your meta tags, titles, and descriptions.

Pikcha People

We are people people here at Pikcha! We love to support artists, art lovers and their passions.
We encourage all members of our online community to make the most of Pikcha’s services.
Whether its scanning the QR codes located on one of our gallery cards, liking and following
your favourite Pikcha Artists, or connecting with us on social media.
Pikcha is better when you’re an active member.

Pikcha Values

At Pikcha, we believe it is our obligation to leave the world a better place for future generations by creating equal opportunities for all, championing inclusivity, and implementing greener practices within our organisation and beyond.
Through active engagement with our local community, we are committed to supporting things within our reach, with aspirations to enact change globally. Click here for more on our Social Initiatives.


We are always on the lookout for talented people.

If you’d like to be part of the team, click the button below to submit an application.